Photo by Mat Brown
7 tips for a stress-free party
Tyler and I love a good party. I mean, who doesn’t? And there’s always an excuse to throw one – Super Bowl, birthdays, holidays, girls night, etc. However, the thought of planning one can be a bit anxiety inducing. To help, we have a few tips and tricks to make sure you pull it off with ease and style. So, whether your guests are kids or adults (or a mix of both), you’ve got it covered!
1. plan ahead

Photo by Bich Tan
Start with a list and/or blank calendar. Settle on the day of the party, then spell out everything that you’ll need to do the days before. Include even the most mundane tasks, i.e. cleaning the house, selecting music, and grocery shopping. Decide how many people, what kind of party (sit-down, buffet), and determine the menu. Once done, make a shopping list – and don’t forget the nonfood items, such as napkins, paper towels, take-home boxes, candles, etc.
2. outsource

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov
Consider outsourcing certain elements or bringing in a co-host. If you aren’t fond of making cupcakes or bread, find a great bakery or a talented friend. Speaking of friends, asking one to host your party with you can save you a lot of time, energy and money. Maybe one of you provides the space, decorations, set-up, and clean-up, while the other manages the food, music and the guest list. Either way sharing makes for a much more fun night!
3. don't go too crazy

Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr.
It’s easy to get carried away when it comes to food, entertainment and décor. Not only can your party be “overdone,” but you will be as well from spreading yourself and your budget too thin. Focusing on a few details will help to set the party’s tone and allow you to execute each well. Start by determining which elements are most important to you and your guests. Next take an inventory of what you already have or could borrow from friends or family. You’d be surprised at what will work as-is or with a few minor modifications – saving you time, money, and your sanity!
4. keep the food simple

Photo by Joaquin Egea
Food is a crucial aspect of any party. It’s tempting to want to impress your guests with amazing food, but unless you’re a seasoned pro, don’t overdo it. Choose recipes that you can prep earlier in the day or the night before. Or go buffet style. It’s easier, more communal, and relaxed. And when you serve food buffet style, label it! Labels not only add to the overall décor, but save you from having to explain what something is fifty times – and allow allergy-conscious (or just picky) guests to discreetly & easily choose what they want to eat.
5. let there be music

Photo by Emre Kuzu
Nothing makes people more uncomfortable at a party than dead silence. So unless you’re hosting a party revolving around a football game on TV, pick a pre-made music playlist. After all, isn’t that what technology is for? Pick a playlist that enhances the event and transitions smoothly between tracks. Let Pandora, Spotify or Alexa play DJ for you and then walk away for the duration of the party. If you sense the mood changing, pop on a new playlist with a click or two right from your smartphone.
6. work smarter not harder

Photo by Burak K
Always start the party with a clean sink and empty dishwasher and trash can in the kitchen. Line your appetizer and dessert plates with wax paper to keep food from sticking to the serving dishes. For sit-down functions, set the table a day or two ahead of time, then cover with a sheet. For a grazing party, make sure the platters you’ll use fit on the table or island. Do a dry run with empty platters, arranging them in a pleasing manner then mark the spots with sticky notes. Keep take-out boxes on hand to package leftovers for guests.
7. keep kids busy

Photo by Pixabay
What to do with your kids while getting ready for a party? Put them to work putting their toys away, sweeping the floor, blowing up balloons, setting the table, etc. And what about the party? No matter how well thought out, unless you’ve booked an entertainer or a few hired hands for a few hours, kids will always end up with free time. What can we say they have short attention spans! If it’s a nice day for playing outside great. If not, be sure to have more crafts and games on hand than you think you need. The more, the better!
bonus - have fun!

Photo by Elevate
The reason you’re having the party is so you can hang out with friends and family, not over-analyze if everyone is having fun or if everything looks perfect. When you stop worrying and stop enjoying the wonderful celebration you pulled together, everyone else will enjoy and have fun too!